by Martin Scorsese

"Have conviction of how the muse strikes you. And go there."
Martin Scorsese

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Grids and Stuff

Well, ok, this is my interpretation of a painting I saw in SacMag over the weekend.  I was thumbing through an article about the home of Robert Powell who lives in Sacramento and was a builder in the years '60 to '90s.  I loved a painting that is hanging on a wall in a family or living room.  It looked like it is lots bigger than the one I have done but it is a messed up grid and I stole the palette and the in and out of color onto the black grid.  Robert Powell's home is a wonderful large space with a few buildings on open property and the home decor is very minimal.

My home is not minimal at all though I have in my later years been trying to here's a photo of the painting hanging in our bedroom.
I like the abstract non-traditional piece over our very traditional bedroom decor.  Now I'm pondering maybe making the image more by doing another grid around it on the wall.  Either that or dropping it down a bit so that the top tip of the headboard overlaps he painting.

Oh problems, problems...I am so lucky to have them.  I am grateful that I have them because they allow me to remember to breathe and I like that.

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