by Martin Scorsese

"Have conviction of how the muse strikes you. And go there."
Martin Scorsese

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

18th Spring Art Show

Big art show coming up right here in Sun City Roseville this weekend.  The public is invited and welcome and so our club does its best to get everything looking pleasing to the eye.  We will have approximately 190 paintings available for viewing and purchase in our ballroom, and there are 38 artists represented.  Artists are professionals and some hobbyists, the standard is way high in my opinion and I have seen a lot of shows and a lot of art.

I am so happy to be a part of this event and proud of  our club and the work that we do in retirement.  We keep ourselves busy with our art and also we coordinate with schools and galleries in the community to help keep art available for kids.  Last year the community give back was with a local elementary school and this year it was coordinated with a local high school.  

Of course, my kids and grandkids will be here to cheer Nana on.  They're proud of me as I am of them and l look forward to parading them around too.

Here are my planning pages and some of the items I have created to make the show a good one.  Those little letter/number tags are for setting up the panels that will be very strategically placed in the ballroom so that the art is easily seen.  The floor plan was designed by one of our members and I have simply been a part of placing the art on paper so that we will have an easy time of hanging this Friday.  

We're ready to hang the show on Friday and meet and greet the art appreciating public on the weekend.  Yay!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Poppies Not Finished after All

So I walk into my small home studio after being gone for a couple days and think "wow, what boring poppies."  Too tired to do anything about it at that point, in my dreams for the next week I was repainting it over and over with a little more paint, then a little more in the next dream, finally I woke up the other day and mixed a batch of about 2 ups of yellows to oranges in various values and began splashing it onto the canvas I thought with wild abandon.  As I look at the painting now, I was not abandoned enough but it'll do for now.

Now that I see it here, maybe I need a couple lighter green pieces in the stems, but maybe not.  I'm prolly just gonna go with it like it is.

So now to re-do "Limes"  an older piece which has been hanging in our patio for a couple years.  I took a look at it yesterday and it's cracked and old, so in need of some TLC.  It's a big canvas too...yay!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Whew! Glad That's Over

Wow, Ironstone kicked my ass!  Jack's too, after all the work we put into exhibiting my work.

The grounds at Ironstone are beautiful though we arrived just before the Spring flowers have bloomed.

This is my set up at the exhibition.  It was really a nice way to display and the people there at the winery couldn't be nicer.  The crowd looking at the art were really not in the buying mood though which would be okay if only I could get some feedback; however people were quiet which is not a happy place for the artist.

This is the large room in which most of the art that was juried in is hung.  It is also located in a couple of adjacent rooms and hallways.

My two paintings are shown on these walls, "Complements" and "Tranquility."

They will remain hanging and for sale at the winery through May 12th.

I've decided to cut back on this kind of a showing and we will just do fun trips with my sketch pad and drawing pens.  Those studies can be my ideas for work in my studio; after all, it is all about the process for me.