by Martin Scorsese

"Have conviction of how the muse strikes you. And go there."
Martin Scorsese

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Plasters, Black Birds and Road Kill Eaters


Well!  I have been busy.  I am learning new stuff online.  Yes, I bought another class to get a handle on using plasters, inks and collage.  

I did "Always" while in France.  It's almost as it was, however I did do some work on it lately and I like it better.  It has more of a composition and also I kind of unified the background color a little to allow a better sense of what I am trying to say. 

This is a small piece, 5x7" black and white mixed media.  The bird is suppose to be a crow but now that I look at it more closely, it looks more like one of those birds that eats road kill (can't remember the name).



This is the cover of my sketch journal.  It's an old wallpaper book which was given to me years ago.  I decided to re-do the cover with plaster and paper, etc. etc.  Isn't it fab?  Now that's a better crow...and my name is in green so everyone knows it's private.

Feeling Tropical

Here is a page out of my new journal.  These are just some sketches I did the other day.  The background is the wallpaper/poster page which I covered with a gesso wash.  I may try to do it a little thicker on the next pages so that those images don't show behind my work, but maybe not...I like being imperfect and if there's nothing in the background my drawings just might be too perfect.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Just Sharing

I have done a lot of paintings this year, have shown them to no one, have hated mostly everything I have done and been in a phase of trying to hate my art enough to stop doing it.  Trouble is when I am at my table or easel doing the work, I am in a zone that is not comparable to any feeling of freedom that I have ever experienced.  That spiritual, sunshiney, wholesome feeling is what keeps me in my art studio for hours at a time.

Recently, I began going through the paintings I have stacked in a big rolling wicker basket in the corner.  I tend to throw work in there once it's dry and my feeling is "trash bin stuff". There are items in there I don't even remember painting, there are some works that I actually like, there are some pieces of paper that I totally ruined but little areas of texture that are completely mesmerizing.

I'm printing the images here.  Well, only the ones which I feel I can share.

Walking Away

Nice Flowers

Caterpillar Ladders

Table and Chairs for Dinner

Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Collage

My collage "September 2015 with Leslie Saeta" turned out pretty well I think.  A theme is the way to go for unity and really a better overall lesson over the month.  There are 18 images, I did 19 however was not able to work the last one in.  I really ran out of steam figuring out the site that helps with putting the thing together.

Now for October!  Maybe something scary..or black?