by Martin Scorsese

"Have conviction of how the muse strikes you. And go there."
Martin Scorsese

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Poppies, Steps 1 and 2

OH MY GOSH!  I was soooo under the weather for the past week, since Valentines' Day, and so haven't gotten much done in the studio.

Before the melt down I did begin a rather large 36x36" canvas of poppies, another one for the American River Parkway show.  The canvas is the painting entitled "Never Been to Me" that I obliterated one afternoon when I had a day of bravery.  So here's first drawing:

There's some heavy texture on this canvas already as it's one that I glued a big 30x22" piece of watercolor paper onto which was the painting of the princess-like girl that I wanted to incorporate onto a canvas.  The drawing at this point only consists of the darker greenery at the base of the poppy plant, the lighter greenery in the background and then of course the poppies coming from the one dark base.

Here is the outlining I have done to further define the drawing:

So next step is to fill in color on the flowers and stems with the darkest areas first, and then creating value changes from shadow areas up to lighter parts where the sun is hitting.

Okay so another beginning is beginning which is freeing my mind to organize a few areas in my art room.  Getting things in order always makes me breathe easier and deeper, looking forward to that.

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