by Martin Scorsese

"Have conviction of how the muse strikes you. And go there."
Martin Scorsese

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Realizing Joy

Found my joy today listening to music, creating and catching up with things that are important to me.

Listening to The Hungry Years and remembering how my mom loved this song and so much wanted to return to the years when her and my dad were not the millionaires that they became.  Life was simpler and it was easier to have each other, depend on that and appreciate the important things.  Later when the success came and the money was there, our whole family lost the importance of the love that we had for each other. "Everything we wanted was everything we had."

Now Dad's gone, Mom is too though just miles away.

My joy is about my daughters.  When they walk into the room, they take my breath away.

My joy is here with my husband.  His hugs, his smile; I live for those.

My joy happens with my grandkids, in their laughter and their smiles.

Just sayin'...


The first was "Complimentary Flowers" and I have shown it however was never really happy with it.  Finally I took it down from the wall and changed the color.  It was about 1/2 cool, 1/2 warm before and now it is predominantly cool with about 20% warm and now I really am enjoying it.

The second was "Never Been to Me" or "Sister Golden Hair", remember that???  So now it's becoming an abstract.  This image doesn't show the contrast very well and possibly I need more contrast on the original painting but not today.  Maybe tomorrow.  

Right now, going off to my alone space to meditate...and to breathe.

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