by Martin Scorsese

"Have conviction of how the muse strikes you. And go there."
Martin Scorsese

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Memories

So here's the clock Jack got at an antique store about 15 years ago.  It reminds him of one in his home as he was growing up.  The statue is one I purchased in Taos a few years ago.  The artist is Ned Archuleta and it is entitled "Wind" I believe. The lamp and mirror we bought when we moved to Roseville, a temporary move for me that ended in the most wonderful love adventure of my life.

The statue  brings to me memories of the open-ness of Taos, the chiles on the front doors, the food that we experienced which is very much in the style of my mom's cooking which she learned from her mom who came to SoCal from El Paso.  She was the manager of a restaurant in Los Angeles for a time.  Oh, but I digress...Taos, a wonderful experience with artist friends.  The lighted box in the center is of glass and is a lighted Christmas present, just beautiful, made by a friend and purchased at our annual Boutique this year so it's a memory I made this year for the future!

So on to pick up Missipoo, Gustavo and little Maddie at the airport.  I am so looking forward to hugs and smiles and to creating some more Christmas memories!

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