by Martin Scorsese

"Have conviction of how the muse strikes you. And go there."
Martin Scorsese

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Another Transformation

So!  I did this painting during the summer.  It was a copy of one I saw in a Sacramento magazine highlighting the Powell Estate, Powell being a builder back in the 60's.  I had this hanging in our bedroom for a time and I liked it, but now I don't.  First, it's a copy and second, it doesn't do anything for my bedroom decor.

So here is the transformation so far:

It is becoming a large landscape in acrylics.  I have covered the abstract painting with a mixture of pigment and gesso to make it a kind of off white again.  Though a lot of the darker colors come through, it's enough of a base color for me to draw a new beginning.  The foreground is the closest part of the vineyard, mid-through are hills with other fields of growing grapes, once we get to the upper third of the work we are into hills of grasses, bushes and trees and on to the higher mountains just below the sky.  I haven't painted the sky or the far away mountains yet.  I have placed in my darkest darks and outlined the composition to begin the process of making decisions of line, color and values.  Right now I'm thinking the balance is off, too much activity in the upper left third so am going to have to adjust once I place in color of the mountains and sky.

This is the photo I am working from:

I took this image when Jack and I recently traveled to the Mendocino coast for an overnight.  My honey was so patient while I stopped at every opportunity to photograph the wonderful scenery as we passed.  When he was at the wheel, he also stopped whenever I asked.  I think we added about an hour to our drive but we had allowed the whole day to get there just for this purpose.  It was nice to consciously slow down, smell the smells, enjoy the views, pick some flowers and really "see," and of course breathe...nice long breaths.

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