Took this photo of our house from across the street to capture the Redbuds in bloom with the beautiful whispery clouds. We are beginning beautiful Spring, warm and happy times outside tending gardens, healthy bike rides, long day car rides to the beaches and mountains, bbqs in the backyard with friends and family, etc. etc.
In my art room I am readying myself to get outside with pallete and paint. This is my year to grow within myself incorporating all the knowledge I gained last year in attending numerous workshops and classes with Masters of art in their own right, i.e Gregory Kondos, Michael Siegal.
The sunshine is liberating for me, a chance to wear sandals on my feet without being chilly and of
course that means all of the things that go with sandals: shorts, tank tops, sun dresses, hats, pools, bathing suits, playing children, the light hitting flowers, the shadowy parts of the flowers, trees in green and in blossom, trees singing with the wind's song, sun's heat on my arm, driving Peawee with canvas and easel poking out the top of the passenger seat, feelings of all things nature all over my body, lol, and happy smiles all over the Universe.
Okay Universe hear my plea for some sunshine today...just enough for time at the flea market and then whatever else anybody else needs with the weather is fine.