by Martin Scorsese

"Have conviction of how the muse strikes you. And go there."
Martin Scorsese

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Loverly Mickayla, and Perfectly Wound Yarn Balls

The loverly Mickayla is so much more than this photo shows, and my intention was to catch that in my painting.  She is super-smart, all A's practically all the time; she is so animated when she talks, and so quiet when she is listening; she has a lot of red and blond in her brownish hair but doesn't believe me about that; she has great opinions and is becoming such a wonderful woman incorporating all of her experiences and past mistakes right along with her successes.

So here we have my first attempt at painting Granddaughter, I'm her extra G-ma and so proud and happy about that.  Now looking at the images side by side, I see that her eyes and eyebrows are too small, and maybe my skin is a tad too the background I have collaged in her astrological sign and some other things that I know about her...BUT it's still not catching Mickayla's essence, or maybe my essence in explaining her.

I am going to put this aside for a second and do some poppies to get out of this far too serious mode.  I need to come back to Mickayla with a free spirited vibe, like hers.

Not breathing any too well right now.  Just feeling kinda up tight and wound up in a yarn ball, a perfectly wound yarn ball!